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Lead for America Listening Tour

About Us

In August 2019, I returned to Worthington, Minnesota, as a Lead for America (LFA) Hometown Fellow. I never imagined being able to return to a small town with a bachelor's degree in political science, women's studies, and English, but here I am! My placement as an LFA Fellow was with the Southwest Initiative Foundation and Immigrant Law Center of MN (Worthington office).


At the beginning of the fellowship, we were asked to create a listening tour: "meaningfully engage with the community’s history through written and oral histories, learn more about the current context of the community across all sectors and experiences, and begin to build a deep understanding of the community’s hopes for its future." Below you will find the history of the City of Worthington, quotes from community members, and a community survey from winter 2019.

Articles on Worthington, Minnesota

Community Survey 2019

These survey questions come from University of Extension of MN Welcoming Survey, as well as made up by me. Survey was conducted via my personal FB. Each person who completed the survey wrote down where they live, if not in Worthington, their response was deleted. All survey questions were optional. Surveyed around 90 individuals.

Meet The Team

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